Silent Trader - Critical Juncture

Time Remaining

Your team must wait until there’s at least 5mins left before confirming its decision.

Updated Assessment

Four days have passed since the Mission Briefing identified the LSE as the target of a highly sophisticated Advanced Persistent Threat (APT). 

  • D: Mission Briefing
  • D+1: subtle alterations in trading algorithms detected to manipulate market prices
  • D+3: unauthorized access to latency-sensitive data identified (exploit arbitrage)
  • D+4 (Today): encrypted data transmissions detected; suspected command and control (C2) communications to manage ongoing system manipulation activities, rather than large-scale data exfiltration

 The assessment has reinforced the theory that the Syndicate is a pursuing a dual-threat strategy for financial gain:

  • Market Manipulation: The Syndicate’s access to and modification of trading algorithms aim to artificially influence stock prices for fraudulent financial gain, likely to conduct a “pump and dump” scheme.
  • Exploiting Latency Arbitrage: The unauthorized access to real-time transaction data would allow the Syndicate to exploit small price differences across trading platforms, leveraging advanced knowledge of system vulnerabilities.

Given the sophistication of the threat and rapid progression of the tactics employed, there is an urgent need to decide on a response strategy.  Your team has developed a list of response options, in collaboration with the NCSC, for your consideration.  The urgency to select and implement the most appropriate response cannot be overstated.  Your decision will not only directly impact the integrity and continuity of the LSE’s operations, but influence the broader trust and confidence in the global financial markets.


Select the best strategy to neutralize the APT considering the key factors of maintaining continuity of operations, minimizing exposure, upholding public trust, and complying with legal and regulatory requirements.


Discuss and fully consider the options below with your team members.


After carefully assessing all of the options above, choose the best option (select below) to manage the coolant leak while balancing health & safety and mission imperatives.

Involves shutting down critical systems to prevent further unauthorized access and isolate compromised areas

Click to Select Option 1

Involves isolating specific sections of the network believed to be compromised while allowing other parts to continue operating.

Click to Select Option 2

Involves upgrading monitoring tools and protocols to detect unusual activities in real time across critical systems.

Click to Select Option 3

Involves setting up decoy servers or databases (honeypots) to divert attackers away from critical systems and gather intelligence.

Click to Select Option 4

Involves transitioning to a security model where no entity inside or outside the network is trusted by default, requiring continuous verification of access.

Click to Select Option 5

Involves using AI-driven automated systems and expert threat hunters to proactively search for and neutralize threats in real time.

Click to Select Option 6

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