1. Relate Insights: Consider where, how, and how often the insights from Step 2 show up in your daily work environment. Assess the type of impact they have on your team.
2. Select Insight: Choose the insight that you can take even further as a team.
3. Plan of Action: Create a Plan of Action ensuring it is clear, timely, and feasible.
Relating Insights to Work Environment
Developing Plan of Action
In Step 2, the team identified that they made their decision too quickly. During Step 3, they reflected on how this pattern shows up in their day-to-day teaming environment. They noted that decisions are often rushed during meetings, particularly under time pressure, skipping critical exploration of ideas. This regularly leads to missed considerations and extra work to address gaps later.
In Step 2, the team identified confusion about who was responsible for certain tasks, leading to missed follow-ups and inefficiencies. During Step 3, they reflected on how this issue often occurs in their day-to-day teaming environment. They noted that action items are frequently discussed but not clearly assigned, causing delays and duplication of effort.
In Step 2, the team identified that not all voices were heard during key moments, with quieter team members often being overlooked. During Step 3, they reflected on how this dynamic appears in their day-to-day teaming environment. They noted that louder or more assertive voices tend to dominate discussions, especially under time pressure, leading to missed perspectives and a lack of diverse input.