Hostage Taking (Initial Response) - Outcome

Option 5E: Demand Proof of Life

Your team’s decision to demand proof of life from the captors was a smart one, especially as you recognized the Coalition’s initial video only showed the two Americans.  Proof of life for all five hostages has been verified, offering a solid foundation for negotiations.  This milestone demonstrates the captors’ willingness to engage in dialogue, and it’s a step towards securing the hostages’ safety.  As with any negotiation, it may test your patience, but it’s a vital stride in the right direction.  

The stakeholders, including the US Consulate and Brazilian authorities, appreciate the progress made and are closely following developments.  As the crisis continues, your adaptability and readiness for subsequent steps are paramount, given the dynamic nature of hostage situations.

After your team has reviewed and discussed the outcome, proceed to next Critical Juncture by clicking the button on the right.  

Ensure all team members click the button at the same time.

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