Critical Juncture 6: Hostage Taking (Resolution)

Time Remaining

Your team must wait until there’s at least 2mins left before confirming its decision.

*** US Security Assessment ***

The US Consulate has confirmed the captors’ location from strategic national security imagery sources.  The Amazon Basin Alliance is holding the hostages in a hideout in proximity to an austere airfield adjacent to the town of BALBINA, 160 km NORTHEAST of MANAUS. 

  • numerous small and medium sized buildings situated around the 7.5 acres compound making it more difficult to positively identify the location of the hostages
  • compound is a ‘complex’ target location that could be fortified for defensive purpose
  • compound is well isolated within the forest, ~3 km from the town of BALBINA
  • proximity to the austere airfield near BALBINA offers additional tactical insertion and medical evacuation options
  • 1 x paved road EAST-WEST towards the airfield and 1 x dirt road moving NORTH-SOUTH from the area
  • Ingress/egress points to the compound likely to be under adversary control
  • limited access facilitates early warning and a high level of control and constant monitoring by the captors
  • compound is visible from the air supporting aerial intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) purposes
  • dense forest / canopy all around makes ground surveillance very difficult, but facilitates covered approaches on foot for close surveillance and rescue operations

>>> This new information has now set the conditions for a broader range of options to consider (see options below).

Notwithstanding the initial steps you’ve taken to the hostage-taking, the crisis has taken a turn for the worse.  The captors have escalated their actions in response to what they describe as complete disrespect and inaction, and have caused serious harm to one of the Americans.  The situation is deteriorating, and immediate action is required to ensure the safety of the hostages.

The captors’ demands are now $10M USD in exchange for the release of the hostages.

Looking to de-risk their involvement, and the certain media backlash as the situation spirals out of control, the Brazilian and American governments have put the ball squarely back in your court.  

Your team must now decide how to resolve the situation.


Choose the best option to resolve the crisis while ensuring the safety of the hostages.


Discuss and fully consider the options below with your team members.


After carefully assessing all of the options above, choose the best option (select below) to respond to the new hostage taking crisis.

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