Operational Challenges - Outcome

Option 1B: Technology Enhancement

Your team’s decision to heed Lucas’ advice to invest in new technologies has proven to be a game-changer.  Rapid implementation of waterflooding and gas injection technologies, supported by Brazilian government subsidies, has brought a breath of fresh air to your operations.

The results?  Well, they’ve been nothing short of remarkable.  Oil recovery rates have begun to rise and those pesky production bottlenecks that once plagued your efficiency have eased up significantly.  It’s like a smooth ride on a clear highway now.

Your parent companies are taking notice, and the Brazilian regulators are giving you assurances that your operating license will not be revoked.  Your progress is undeniable, but it’s difficult to rest easy given the uncertainty of the environment.

As you continue to settle in as the new Management Team, it’s crucial to acknowledge the ever-changing climate, both metaphorically and literally.  The forecast predicts more heavy rain, and one can’t help but wonder if this hints at even more challenges on the horizon….

Once your team has read and discussed the outcome, please proceed to Critical Juncture 2 by clicking on the button to the right.

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