Operational Challenges - Outcome

Option 1C: Human Resource Development

Your team’s decision to invest in Amazonia’s people was sound.  Like nurturing the skills of your team, and like tending to a garden, the rewards are starting to show.  Employees who received targeted training on advanced skills, particularly on equipment operation and maintenance, environmental management and spill response are stepping up with a renewed sense of confidence.  You’ve also implemented a cross-training initiative to build resilience in your workforce.

The result?  Key performance measures are showing that productivity is on the rise, albeit slowly.  It’s like watching your garden bloom with beautiful flowers.  The result is undeniable, but will take time.  Unfortunately, your Board and parent companies remain skeptical that this investment will pay off soon enough to address the company’s immediate challenges.  On the positive side, threats from the Brazilian regulators about revoking your operating license have gone silent, at least for now.

As you continue to settle in as the new Management Team, it’s crucial to acknowledge the ever-changing climate, both metaphorically and literally.  The forecast predicts more heavy rain, and one can’t help but wonder if this hints at even more challenges on the horizon….

Once your team has read and discussed the outcome, please proceed to Critical Juncture 2 by clicking on the button to the right.

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