Step 3: Connect Insights to Actions

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Explanation Video (1:18 mins)

Demonstration Video (5:38 mins)

  1. Relate Insights: Consider where, how, and how often the insights from Step 2 show up in your daily work environment.  Assess the type of impact they have on your team.

  2. Select Insight: Choose the insight that you can take even further as a team.

  3. Plan of Action: Create a Plan of Action ensuring it is clear, timely, and feasible.

Relating Insights to Work Environment

  • Where and how do these insights show up in your daily work?
  • How frequently do these situations or behaviors occur?
  • What type of impact do they have on team effectiveness and dynamics?

Developing Plan of Action

  • Clear: Ensure the action is well-defined and responsibilities are clear.
  • Timely: Set a timeframe for implementing the action that will show progress soon.
  • Feasible: Make sure action is achievable within your team’s resources and constraints.
Teaming Tip: Craft your Plan of Action so that it addresses the “who, what, when , how, and why?”
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